"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" (John Lennon)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Grandiosi i miei alunni!

Oggi è stato difficilissimo "fare lezione" sia Lugnano che a Giove e non perché gli alunni fossero più vivaci del solito, anzi sono stati davvero bravissimi.
Non è un momento facile, questo, per nessuno di noi come ci siamo detti in III A questo pomeriggio.
Le parole non servono, non bastano, non si trovano, neanche una prof. di lingue, che di parole ne sa il doppio, riesce a trovarne.
Però, come ben sanno tutti i miei studenti, la loro prof. pensa un sacco!
E ... pensando pensando ho deciso che non potevo non condividere questa poesia che mi torna sempre alla mente nei momenti particolarmente difficili.

Friday, February 15, 2013


The students of the school of Lugnano finished preparing the booklets to be sent to their European friends of the e-Twinning project "Let's become tourist guides".
This is the results!

The envelopes will be posted  on Monday so our friends will get them soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Some irregular verbs

Here you find flashcards on some irregular verbs.
Read and listen to the pronunciation of the verbs in the past and enjoy the games.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

What is your favourite film?

Third year students, here you find some questions I'll ask you about your favourite film.
Practice listening to  and answering to them.

Audio and voice recording >>

What's your fav film?
Why do you like it?
Did you see it at the cinema or on tv?
Who is the main character?
Who are the actors?
Who is fav actor? Why? What is he-she like?
What's the film about?
Has the film got a happy or a sad ending?
When was the film shot, made?
Do you like going to the cinema?
How often do you go to the cinema?
Who is the director?
Where is the film set?
How long is it?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

What's the time? What time is it?


Last week first year students learnt how to ask and say the time in English. The students themselves prepared and explained to the whole class how to say the time in English and I, the teacher, became a student, so I was listening to them and I liked it a lot!
Some of them used the blackboard, some others the interactive board (LIM), one of them created a clock with paper and so on.

It has been a really nice experience for me because I saw my students taking active part in the "learning-teaching" of English, it was nice for the ones who were the "teachers" because they were involved in something a bit more challenging but rewarding and it was nice for all the others because they had "new teachers" and their attention was higher. 
I do not know if this is really the way a flipped classroom works but ... we started learning in a different way and we all liked it!

To tell the time in English we need to remember some words ...

What time is it? It's twelve past eleven.


IT'S + minutes + past or to + hour

Now students, here you find some exercises to review what we did in class.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chatting in etwinning: how lovely!

Last evening at 6.00 pm some students of class II A had a chat session with their French and Turkish partner of the etwinning project "A song a month".

We all enjoyed this and the previous chat sessions because in this way we can communicate with other students and teachers who live far away but who share the same interests.
The students had the chance of asking a lot of questions about several topics eg. weather, free time, school systems, music, films, tv programmes, etc.

About school we discovered that in France they have three terms, while we have two; in Turkey they have two terms but they were on holiday this week so this means they have holidays in different times of the year. We discussed about our free time activities and sport and the Turkish students told us they watch Milan and Juventus football matches and a boy in France told us he has a rock band. And many other things like these.
Taking part to etwining projects give us the chance of getting to know each other and to know different cultures throughout Europe, discovering differences and similarities, allowing everyone to develop a better understanding of peoples.

We can do all this using English to communicate and this also makes us happy!

So ... let's keep up the good work we have done so far and go on!